Aloha Nui Loa


Today the reality of our world has changed.  Individuals, apart, for the first time are experiencing the need to be together as ONE.  United by certain convictions.  A group related by common characteristics with reciprocal duties to each other.  Actions designed both suitable for children and adults.  The possessiveness of “his” and “hers” pronouns replace more by “we”.  To be a FAMILY living together in the household, Earth.

This pandemic has highlighted even more the immense unconditional care, love, belief and empowerment Hula Anyone has for everyONE.  Hula Anyone IS FAMILY.  (Slightly dysfunctional at times as most families are), Hula Anyone chooses to always support, love, encourage, and tolerate each other.

By their very examples:

Unconditional friendship given to old and new friends
Tolerate my antics
Always have my back
Provide laughter
Wipe my tears
Lift me up when down
Grow with me with compassion
My biggest fans and #1 supporters
Empower me to run off some of my energy
Brainstorm ideas
Go to unknown adventures
Provide and help raise the younger ones

By not judging or criticizing, you, Hula Anyone, encourage me to pursue MY dreams and turn it to OUR dreams.  I’ve had the strength to grow and become more because I know you are all behind me.

With your outpouring love and support throughout this journey of life I can’t help but choose to love you all more.  I couldn’t ask for better people in my life.

Humbled and grateful to Hula Anyone, my family.

A shout out to everyone.  We can control our choices. Please CHOOSE how much we love.  We will find the strongest self inside making us a stronger unit 

A strong Family.

Angelita Eller

Rachel Monico